Video showcasing menu, café area, and drink mini game.
The Jolly Hot Chocolatier
Game Description
"The Jolly Hot Chocolatier” is a game where you play as a Hot Chocolatier celebrating the winter time with hot chocolates and chocolatey drinks The player is tasked with making hot chocolates from all around the world that come in patches of 2 different drinks to fulfill orders for customers.
Time Duration: Three Day Game Jam
Role: Game Organizer, Lead Game Designer, UI Designer, QA Tester
Engine: Unity
Check the game out here!
Responsibilities + Accomplishments
The goal of the game jam was to make a “cozy winter themed game.” I took up a game director role as I came up with a lot of the core game ideas as well as making sure we completed everything on time.
I ended up being in charge for a lot of the UI design as well as implementing the art and sound assets. I also took up the role as a QA test to make sure the game was as polished as it could be.
With the strict time limit, even with a lot of planning we weren’t able to finish everything we wanted to do in time. As the customers which were supposed to come and request drinks weren’t functional when the game jam ended.
Image of the café area I designed which is used as the main play area
Design Process
This was my first ever game jam as well as my first project in unity. With the strict time limit of 3 days, there wasn’t much time to experiment and try new things. The time limit helped me get used to having to work more efficiently and meet deadlines.
I feel this project really help me work on my level design skills. Even though the level it self is rather small it helped me use the limited play space I had to make the player experience more engaging and immersive.
This was the first real time I had to make a proper UI as well, it helped me learn the fundamentals of what makes a good UI as well as how to seamlessly work it into the play space.
Image of mini-game that shows up when you are creating a drink. Rings are added based on how many ingredients the drink has.