AR Environmental Nurse Training Simulation

Project Description

I created these simulation for my work experience at the Illinois State University, Mennonite School of Nursing. I was tasked with creating multiple environments based off real world situation that a nurse might go through for the new Simulation Lab at ISU.

Time Duration: August 2024 - PRESENT

Role: Environmental Designer

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

This project is still being worked on and will be updated regularly

Showcase of my work on both a home environmental as well as town recently struck by a tornado.

Please note that only the home environment is finished at this time.

Responsibilities + Accomplishments

This was my first non-video game project as well as my first payed work experience. I learned a lot from this position especially what it is like to work with non-game designers or developers as well what it is like to meet deadlines and meet specific qualifications. My contributions and responsibilities for this project was;

  • Created dynamic and realistic environments using Unreal Engine’s built in environmental system to fully immerse the user.

  • Research and implement real world environments, such as those after natural disasters, to make the environments as accurate as possible.

  • Collaborated and worked with other developers, professional nurses, and other non-developers explaining and editing environments based on feedback.

Working for ISU was a wonderful experience and I believe I got a lot of work experience of what it is like to make a product for a company. I learned a lot about what it is like to create projects for non-game designers or developers as well as the research that goes into making good environments. I also learned a lot of about how to use specific tools in Unreal Engine 5, like light, sound, and terrain, to create more impressive and impressive environments.

Gif of the home environment comparing the prototype design to the final project

Design Process

For my work on the AR content, I had a lot less creative freedom on what I created but I had a lot of freedom on how I designed it. I started each environment off by going in-depth into the research of each setting. After my research, I would white-box each environment before adding in assets. Since this was my first non-game project I had to do somethings that I wouldn’t exactly normally do on a game project. Instead of focusing on the how the user would navigate or interact with the environment, I had to focus on how the environment affects the user and what a nurse would have to deal with in these settings, like noise. One of the main feedbacks I got from higher-ups, was to make the environments more lived in which is a contrast between what I usually need to which is to make sure it runs well. But with this project I was fully able to decorate and add in a bunch of details to make sure the environment were as immersive and realistic as possible to what working in these environments as nurse would be like.

Photo Gallery

Gif of the tornado environment comparing the prototype design to the work in progress.